All our products come from our farm or have been hunted at "Los Claros": natural water from our springs, potatoes, pumpkins, olives, grapes, some fruits and vegetables (only at the end of summer time), honey, eggs, chickens, pigs, lambs, red deer, wild boar, mouflon, rabbits, partridges, piggeons, all the delicatessen meats and products done with pork, and ham.
While in "Los Claros", you will enjoy traditional dishes of the local cuisine, all prepared with local produce. Honey collected from our own hives, fresh eggs collected daily, game meat, potatoes, fruits and vegetables from our garden, our oil made with olives and cold cuts, sausages and other prepared meats will be prepared by our cook following any request a few hours in advance.
-Jamón ibérico de bellota / Iberian acorn feed ham.
-Fiambres / Cold cuts from Iberian acorn feed pig, home made at “Los Claros”.
-Tabla de quesos / Manchego cheese & other local cheeses.
-Almendras fritas / Fried almonds.
-Tostadas con sobrasada / Toasts with “sobrasada”(kind of orange-colored special flavored butter done with acorn feed Iberian pig's fat; home made at “Los Claros”.
-Cuchifrito / Fried small pieces of pork.
-Mini hamburguesas de ciervo / Mini hamburgers of red deer.
-Pipirrana / Cold salad of tomato, onion and green pepper.
Fríos - Cold dishes
-Salmorejo / Typical from Córdoba: tomato cold soup with bread, garlic, olive oil, egg and ham.
-Ajoblanco / Cold soup with bread, almonds, garlic and olive oil.
-Gazpacho andaluz / Tomato cold soup with olive oil and raw veggies.
-Carpaccio / Carpaccio of red deer.
-Steak-tartar / Steak-tartar of red deer.
-Ensalada de perdiz en escabeche / Marinade partridge salad.
-Ensaladilla pobre / Cold salad of cooked potatoes with parsley, onion and boiled eggs.
-Huevos rellenos / Deviled eggs with salad cream and tuna.
Calientes - Hot dishes
-Sopa de ajo / Hot garlic soup, with bread and egg.
-Sopa de cardo / Hot thistle soup, with flour and almonds.
-Pisto Manchego / Stew of tomato, green and red pepper and onion served with fried egg.
-Parrillada de verduras / Grilled vegetables.
Guisados - Stews
-Cocido andaluz / Stewed chickpeas with blood sausage, fried chorizo and pork belly.
-Judías / Stewed white beans with blood sausage, fried chorizo and pork belly.
-Lentejas / Stewed lentils with blood sausage, fried chorizo and pork belly.
-Patatas con costillas / Stew of potatoes with ribs.
-Patatas con conejo / Stew of potatoes with rabbit.
-Carne al horno con patatas / Oven cooked meat with potatoes (Red deer, mouflon, wild boar, lamb or piglet).
-Caldereta de venado / Red deer stew.
Arroces - Rices
-Paella valenciana / The most Famous Spanish dish all over the world. You will taste the original one, that comes from my native area. It is done with rice, special green and white beans from Valencia, and chicken.
-Arroz con pollitos Mercedes / Typical recipe from my family. It is white rice with chicken, olives and ham.
-Arroz con pollo a la cerveza / White rice with chicken cooked with beer.
-Arroz al horno / Also a typical rice from Valencia. It is cooked in the oven with potatoes, tomato, garlic, chickpea and different kinds of delicatessen meats from pork.
-Arroz a la cubana / White rice with fried egg, sausage and fried tomato.
-Arroz a la milanesa / Rice with green peas and giblets (gizzards, eggs and liver of hens).
-Arroz con costillas / Rice with pig ribs and artichoke.
Fritos - Fried
-Huevos estrellados / Fried eggs, gently fried potatoes, fried garlic and ham.
-Huevos fritos / Fried eggs with potatoes (fried or gently fried with garlic).
-Embutido frito de la orza / Sausages from traditional pig killing.
Carnes - Meats (roast & grilled)
-Roast de ciervo / Roast deer with french beans, onion and mashed potatoes.
-Lomo / Grilled Loin cut of red deer, mouflon or wild boar.
-Secreto / Grilled special cut from pig with potatoes (fried or gently fried with garlic).
-Presa / Grilled special cut from pig with potatoes (fried or gently fried with garlic).
-Natillas / Egg custard.
-Flan / Creme caramel.
-Arroz con leche / Rice pudding.
-Postre de cuajada / Curd dessert.
-Postre de chocolate / Chocolate dessert.
-Cuajada casera con mermelada de arándanos / Curd with blueberry jam.
-Fruta del tiempo / Seasonal fruit.
-Tostadas con aceite, tomate y jamón / Toast of bread with tomato, olive oil and ham.
-Huevos fritos / Fried eggs.
-Huevos revueltos / Scrambled eggs.
-Salchichas / Sausages.
-Panceta / Bacon.
-Bizcocho / Sponge biscuit.
-Cereales / Cereals.
-Churros / Fritter.
-Chocolate / Hot chocolate.
-Café / Coffe.
-Té / Tea.
-Refrescos / Refreshments.
-Cervezas / Beer.
-Vinos variados / Spanish red wine (Rioja, Ribera del Duero, Castilla-La Mancha...).
-Licores / Liquors - Spirits drinks.
Learn and experience traditional ways to fill your pantry with local goods from our backyard. Collecting honey, harvesting olives, preparing meats, collecting eggs, fruits and vegetables give visitors the opportunity to taste nature’s bounty.