Courses for hunters

Courses for hunters

Courses to improve precision shooting.

If requested, precision shooting improvement courses can be organized for long distance training and improvement of weapon handling. These courses are taught by Fernando Quilis Bonet, who has been Spanish national champion in several shooting modalities, captain of the national F Class team (long distance shooting) International delegate of the Royal Spanish Olympic Shooting team and member of the World Technical Committee of the ICFRA.

He will teach us about calibers, type and weight of projectiles, twist, cannon precision, shooting techniques and distance precision, wind influence and other weather factors that can affect the projectile’s trajectory. He will also talk to us about the importance of cleaning, maintenance and adjustment of weapons and scopes.

Discover the technical limits of your hunting equipment.

With his experience we will be able to discover the technical limits of your hunting equipment and try to bring the best out of it. We will learn to choose the most adequate projectile type for each hunting method we intend to carry out. And through shooting tests we will test our cannon precision with each different type of bullet in order to obtain a ballistic chart of each bullet and adjust each rifle to the shooting distance we want.

In order to make this course as agile as possible and make the most out of it, it is advisable that ,once the course is programmed, assistants indicate the brand, caliber and model of the rifles they are going to bring as well as the ammunition they will be using. If interested, you can contact Pedro Corell for group formation and date selection by dialling 607 388 100 or through our form to request for precision shooting improvement courses.

Courses for the use of game meat.

You may find our courses for the use of hunting meat very interesting.

Los alimentos que se sirvan durante estas jornadas, estarán realizados con materias primas locales así como productos típicos de “Los Claros”. En "La casa de Francisquillo", tendrán permanentemente a su disposición todo lo necesario para los desayunos, para que puedan preparar a su gusto cualquier cosa en cualquier momento. Unos días antes de comenzar el taller concretaremos el menú.

The foods which will be served during these hunt days will be produced with local raw ingredients as well as products coming from the “Los Claros” estate. In “La Casa de Francisquillo” you will have everything you need for breakfasts at your disposal, and so you can prepare yourself anything you wish to eat at any time. A few days before the start we will announce the menu. The typical menu offered at “Los Claros” can be consulted through this link: Meals.

(*) If someone is allergic to any sort of food product, please let us know so we can prepare an alternative menu option.

If interested

Courses will be for at least 4 hunters and a maximum of 8. We will stay the night at “La Casa de Francisquillo” with a fully covered board.

They will be planned on demand a month in advance and can take place on weekends or during the week. We can adjust the timetable how we wish, although we suggest a model timetable like this one:

Model timetable for the Precision shooting course:

Day 1
05:00 pm. Welcoming and accommodation.
07:00 pm. Course introduction.
07:30 pm. Theory: calibers, type and weight of projectiles, twist, cannon precision.
09:30 pm. Dinner*.
10:00 pm. End of day chat.

Day 2:
08:30 am. Breakfast*
09:00 am. Theory: Distances and shooting techniques, wind influence and other weather factors on the projectile trajectory.
11:00 am. Rest break - coffee
12:00 pm. Theory: studying of ballistic charts, importance of projectile energy and its point of impact in hunting.
02:00 pm. Lunch*
03:00 pm. Practice. Election of weapons and ammunition.
04:00 pm. 100m shooting test. Measurement of speed at cannon’s end.
06:00 pm. PPractice: cleaning, conditioning and adjustment of weapons.
08:00 pm. Calculation of ballistic charts.
09:30 pm. Dinner*
10:00 pm. End of day chat.

Day 3:
08:30 am. Breakfast*
09:00 am. Practice. 300m shooting test
11:00 am. Rest break - coffee .
12:00 pm. Practice. 600m shooting test.
02:00 pm. Lunch*
03:00 pm. Chat and end of Course
05:00 pm. Farewell.


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