All our hunting offers can be enjoyed also by bow hunters. But we strongly recommend our HUNT & EVENINGS WITH FRIENDS PACKAGE offer. For more info, please visit our specific website on Big Game Hunting Spain.
Bow hunting in Monterías and Ganchos is not recommended.
General conditions
Iberian Red Deer, wild boar and Iberian Mouflon can be hunted by stalking or waitings from September the 1st until the end of the hunting season (mid February) except 9th to 13th of October and Christmas holidays (December 23rd - January 7th). But for bow hunting we only recommend August, September and October.
Partridge decoy hunting is highly entertaining and successful. can be hunted in zones with an average height of 600 m. above sea level within the established hunting period (between February 1st and May 14th approximately). In any case, it is required to book dates with several months notice.

Since 2005 we have been organizing hunts for bow hunters which have had very pleasing results. Up to 8 hunters have managed to hunt a stag within a weekend, and in some cases 2 stags/hunter.
This hunting method requires preparation, not only for the hunter but also on the hunting estate. Therefore, bookings have to be made with several months notice in order to organize successful outings.
This hunting method is tremendously exciting and successful during rut season. During summer, in exceptional situations where animals pose a threat for crops, deer and wild boar can also be hunted with a special permit.
Bow hunting venison, from the countryside to your table.
Since bow hunting doesn’t make the pray suffer and the animal dies without undergoing any stress, its meat is ideal for consumption. We will show you how to prepare the meat for your own consumption, and once prepared, vacuum packaged and frozen, it will be at your disposal for being cooked and served. For dates and prices please contact us. Please let us know your desires and we will help you to program the best hunting trip.