An exceptional preserve.
In Europe, preserved natural areas have come down to human responsibility. Thankfully, for many generations certain landowners have prevented the clearing, extraction, exploit and transformation of their land into urban spaces. In many cases this was because they preferred to preserve the beauty and natural functioning of these areas rather than see them be solely purposed for industrial or factory farming.
When "Los Claros" was established as a hunting reserve in 1970, it was already a space worth preserving. Since its beginnings we have worked hard to improve and promote the growth and biodiversity of the environment. We do this by implementing practices that employ the sustainable use of natural resources.
A "RED natura 2000" preserve.
Through careful development over the past 40 years, "Los Claros" has been recognized as a SCI (Site of Community Interest) and a SPA (Special Protection Area for Birds) in the Sierra Morena. "Los Claros" is also member of the "RED Natura 2000" and the Alcudia Valley National Park. At the same time it is a critical breeding area for the imperial eagle, black vulture, black stork, and Iberian lynx.
"Los Claros" is located in one of the most beautiful areas of the Mediterranean forest. It is one of the best areas in Spain for observing and photographing wildlife, including red deer, roe deer, mouflon, wild boar, common vultures, and black vultures.
An observation preserve.
It is also home to the imperial & golden eagle, Bonelli’s eagle, short-toed eagles, eagle owls, mongoose, martens, genets, and orioles. The plethora of species that have made "Los Claros" their home will give every nature lover the opportunity to experience intimate sightings and encounters.
One of the most interesting times to visit "Los Claros" is during fall. The rutting season for deer (berrea) begins in late August and runs until late November. During this period, the mountains of the Sierra Morena echo with the sound of males calling to establish their territories. Male deer battle to determine whose genes will be passed onto the next generation. At this time the deer, especially the males, are far more active and less cautious than usual. This makes it the ideal season photograph large male deer and experience wildlife at "Los Claros".